
| DNSSEC News & Announcements, DNSSEC Mailinglists |
DNSSEC News 2011
DNSSEC News 2010
MAY 2010 - On May 5th, Root Server J starts to serve DURZ, this completes transition to DURZ testing on all Root Servers.
MAY 2010 - New RFC: Domain Name System (DNS) Security Extensions Mapping for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) (RFC 5910).
JUN 2010 - The 1st DNSSEC KSK Key Signing Ceremony (June 16, 2010) is now complete, read the Announcement.
JUN 2010 - ICANN's first DNSSEC Key Ceremony for the Root Zone, June 16, 2010: Video Report.
JUL 2010 - New RFC: Use of GOST Signature Algorithms in DNSKEY & RRSIG Resource Records for DNSSEC (RFC 5933).
JUL 2010 - The 2nd DNSSEC KSK Ceremony (July 12, 2010) is now complete.
JUL 2010 - Video, logs, script, etc. from the 1st and 2nd DNSSEC KSK Ceremony are available on the IANA website.
JUL 2010 - July 15th, ICANN publishes the root zone trust anchor and root operators begin to serve the signed root zone with actual keys.
JUL 2010 - The Whitehouse, Office of Science and Technology Policy writes about the DNSSEC Signed Root Zone.
AUG 2010 - New IETF Key Assurance mailing list created to investigate use of DNSSEC for various other protocols. Initial focus on TLS.
NOV 2010 - New RFC: Cryptographic Algorithm Identifier Allocation for DNSSEC (RFC 6014).
DNSSEC News 2009
DNSSEC News 2008
DNSSEC News 2007
DNSSEC News 2006
DNSSEC News 2005
DNSSEC News 2004
DNSSEC News 2003
DNSSEC News 2001 / 2002
Mailing Lists & Newsgroups related to DNS, DNSSEC & BIND
DNSSEC Deployment Working Group Mailinglist:
Discussion: dnssec-deployment@shinkuro.com
To subscribe: dnssec-deployment-request@shinkuro.com
Mailinglists ported to usenet:
comp.protocols.dns.std [ FILTER: "DNSSEC or DNSEXT" ]
comp.protocols.dns.bind [ FILTER: "DNSSEC or DNSEXT" ]
mailing.unix.bind-users [ FILTER: "DNSSEC or DNSEXT" ]
If you would like to subscribe to the mailinglists, please visit ISC's
BIND Mailing Lists website (BIND
specific) or send a Subscribe request to
namedroppers-request@ops.ietf.org (general discussion list).
The DNSEXT Working Group uses two additional mailing lists:
DNS Security [HTTP and FTP archive]
To subscribe: dnssec-request@cafax.se
Key Distribution [FTP archive]
To subscribe: keydist-request@cafax.se
DNSEXT Issue Tracker
The DNSEXT chairs are responsible for maintaining the data in the issue
tracker. That task may be delegated to document editors. If a document
editor prefers other tracking systems they are free to coordinate that
with the chairs.
== Creating a new issue.
New Issue tickets are only created for working group document.
If you have an issue a document please sent in a mail with a subject
header of the following format
<NAME> ISSUE: <title>
Where <NAME> is taken from the I-D's file name
draft-ietf-dnsext-<name>-<version> and the <title> is a short
description of the issue presented.
Please use the following template to submit an issue:
To: namedroppers@ops.ietf.org
Cc: document-editor@foo.example
Subject: FOO-RR-PROCESSING ISSUE: BLA-bit vs FOO-flag interop problem
One line description of issue
name: Your_Name_Here
email: Your_Email_Address_Here
Date: Insert_Date_Here
Reference: URL to e-mail describing problem, if available
Type: ['T'echnical | 'E'ditorial]
Priority: ['C'ritical | 'U'rgent | 'B'ug | 'F'eature | 'W'ish ]
Document: draft-ietf-dnsext-<name>-<version>
Section: Insert_Section_Number_Here
Rationale/Explanation of issue:
Length description of problem
Requested change:
The proposal for the requested change is the most important bit of
the issue. Providing a proposed text will focus discussion and
relieves the document-editors. A new issue MUST therefore contain a
text in the 'requested change' field.
Once a new "ISSUE" message is received on the list the chairs or
document editors will add the issue to the document tracker and
reply to the list providing a URL and a relevant issue identifier.
== Discussion of issues.
Discussion of issues takes place on the list. Please reply
'in-thread' when discussing an issue and try to stay within scope of
the issue at hand.
The chairs or the document editors will copy relevant messages, or
abstracts thereof to the issue tracker so that the gist of the
discussion can be followed using the tracker. There may be a few
days lag between the list and the tracker. The archive remains the
authoritative log for the discussion.
== Bouncing of issues
The chairs may decide not to create a entry in the issue tracker if
an issue does not relate to a working group document; the issue has
already been discussed and the issue has been closed; if there is
no proposed change or; if the issue is irrelevant to any of the
working group documents.
== Discussion of matters not in the issue tracker.
Feel free to bring up matters that are not related to working group
documents (but appropriate to the group); they do not need an issue
tracking number.
== Closing of issues.
Chairs or document editors will close issues once resolved. In the
tracking system a note will be made in which document version the
issue was resolved.
The DNSSEC-Editors List
From: Olafur Gudmundsson/DNSEXT co-chair (ogud [AT] ogud [dot] com)
Subject: DNSSEC editing process (Periodic posting)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.dns.std
Date: 2003-10-31 17:40:07 PST
The DNSEXT working group has started a rewrite of the DNSSEC
specification into a documents that better reflect the protocol
and allow a test plan to be constructed from the specification.
To accomplish this, a team of volunteers has been formed to generate
the documents. The document editing team is tasked with documenting
the protocol as specified in RFC's generated by this group and id's
that have been passed on by the working group to the IESG.
The editors are NOT ALLOWED to make ANY changes in the protocol.
If clarifications are needed due to conflicting definitions,
imprecise specification, omission or other reason, the editors MUST
bring these issues to the attention of the working group on the
namedroppers mailing list.
To assist the editors, a small group of people with good understanding
of DNSSEC have been recruited to review document drafts and
answer questions that the editors have.
For simplified communication a mailing list has been created, anyone
can send messages to the editors via this mailing list
An archive of this mailing list can be found here.
Please send minor corrections, comments, suggestions about the
DNSSECbis documents to dnssec-editors@east.isi.edu.
All major issues should be brought up on namedroppers, editors
MAY forward any correspondence to namedroppers, without asking
permission, if they deem the issues raised require wider attention.
DNSEXT chairs Olaf Kolkman and Olafur Gudmundsson approve new members on
the dnssec-editors malling list.
DNSSEC-editors is NOT a design group, it is a document maintenance
The current members of the mailing list are:
Roy Arends
Rob Austein
Matt Larson
Dan Massey
Scott Rose
Donald Eastlake
Brian Wellington
Edward Lewis
Olafur Gudmundsson